SSL certificate
SSL Certificates are small data files that digitally bind a cryptographic key to an organization’s details. When installed on a web server, it activates the padlock and the https protocol and allows secure connections from a web server to a browser. Typically, SSL is used to secure credit card transactions, data transfer and logins, and more recently is becoming the norm when securing browsing of social media sites.

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Types of SSL Certificates supported by ClouDNS
ClouDNS offers several SSL certificates designed to meet various security and validation requirements. Here’s a quick overview of what we offer:
- Positive SSL: This is a domain-validated certificate that’s great for securing a single domain. It offers basic encryption, making it ideal for smaller websites or blogs that need quick and efficient protection.
- Positive SSL Wildcard: If you need to secure multiple subdomains under one domain, the Positive SSL Wildcard is the way to go. It extends the same level of domain validation across all subdomains, perfect for growing websites.
- EV SSL: For those needing maximum security and trust, the Extended Validation (EV) SSL is the highest standard. It goes through a thorough verification process and displays the trusted green address bar in browsers, making it a top choice for businesses looking to build customer trust.
We also support bulk SSL certificate purchases to streamline the process of securing multiple domains or subdomains for large-scale businesses.
Check ClouDNS SSL Certificates!
Last modified: 2024-09-18