Add Slave zones with cPanel

This script allows you to add your cPanel Slave zones to ClouDNS. You can download it from here.


First thing you have to do after download it, is to setup your authentication parameters:

// Auth ID and Password
define("AUTH_ID", 0);
define("AUTH_PASS", "xxx");

AUTH_ID should be your API user ID and AUTH_PASS should be the password of your API user. For example, if your API ID is 190, instead 0 you have to type 190.

You have to type the Master Server IP address:

define("MASTER_IP", "");

Also, you need to define the directory with the zone files. Their names will be used to create the slave zones.

define("ZONES_DIR", "/var/named/");


When you are ready with your configuration, you can run the script with the following command:

php cpanel-slave-zones-add.php

Possible problems

There will be not added any Slave zones for files with invalid names.

Last modified: 2019-02-21
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