Set custom mail subject


Sets a custom mail subject for a specific monitoring check


Name Data Type Status Description
auth-id Integer Required Authentication parameter
auth-password String Required Authentication parameter
id Integer Required The ID of the monitoring check
subject String Optional If this parameter is missing or it is wrong, sets the default mail subject. With this parameter, you can set a custom mail subject by using these variables:
  • {STATUS} - Current monitoring status
  • {NAME} - Name of the monitoring check
  • {IP} - Monitored IP address
  • {TYPE} - Monitoring type e.g. HTTPS
  • {REGION} - Region where the check is monitored
Note: The variables must be written in the same way shown here(with capital letters) in order for them to work and send the correct data!

Response: Status and message.


When the authenctication of API user is not correct, any API request will fail with the following status and statusDescription:

{"status":"Failed","statusDescription":"Invalid authentication, incorrect auth-id or auth-password."}

When the record-id is incorrect or missing, any API request will fail with the following status and statusDescription:

{"status":"Failed","statusDescription":"Invalid request."}

Note: These are example errors in JSON format.


Domain POST/GET: auth-id=0&auth-password=password&id=125&subject=My custom mail subject - {NAME} {IP} {STATUS}

Domain POST/GET: auth-id=0&auth-password=password&id=125&subject=My custom mail subject - {NAME} {IP} {STATUS}

Last modified: 2023-10-31
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