Add DNSSEC Records


Add new DNSSEC record for your domain name.

Note: You can see the supported DNSSEC Records (DS & DNSKEY), depending on the different TLDs by using the Domain info method.


Name Data Type Status Description
auth-id or sub-auth-id or sub-auth-user Integer Required Authentication parameter
auth-password String Required Authentication parameter
domain-name  String Required Domain name for which your inquiry applies
record  String Required

The relevant DNSSEC record you wish to apply for your domain name

The following values for DS records must be included:

  • Domain name
  • TTL
  • Class name -it is always "IN" for these records
  • Record type
  • Key Tag
  • Algorithm
  • Digest Type
  • Digest

The following values for DNSKEY records must be included:

  • Domain name
  • TTL
  • Class name -it is always "IN" for these records
  • Record type
  • Flag
  • Protocol
  • Algorithm
  • Public Key

Response: Array with status and status description.


When the authenctication of API user is not correct, any API request will fail with the following status and statusDescription:

{"status":"Failed","statusDescription":"Invalid authentication, incorrect auth-id or auth-password."}

If invalid value is entered for record parameter, the API request will fail and the following statusDescription message will be displayed:

{"status":"Failed","statusDescription":""The following DNSSEC records were not added:..."}

If the domain name is wrong or it's missing, the following statusDescription will be displayed:

{"status":"Failed","statusDescription":"Missing domain-name"}

Note: These are example errors in JSON format.


POST/GET:auth-id=0&auth-password=password& 3600 IN DS 00000 13 2 000000aaaaaaaaaa0000000000aaaaaaaaaa00000000aaaaaaaaaa
POST/GET:sub-auth-id=0&auth-password=password& 3600 IN DS 00000 13 2 000000aaaaaaaaaa0000000000aaaaaaaaaa00000000aaaaaaaaaa

POST/GET:auth-id=0&auth-password=password& 3600 IN DNSKEY 257 3 13 000000aaaaaaaaaa0000000000aaaaaaaaaa00000000aaaaaaaaaa
POST/GET:sub-auth-id=0&auth-password=password& 3600 IN DNSKEY 257 3 13 000000aaaaaaaaaa0000000000aaaaaaaaaa00000000aaaaaaaaaa

POST/GET:auth-id=0&auth-password=password& 3600 IN DS 00000 13 2 000000aaaaaaaaaa0000000000aaaaaaaaaa00000000aaaaaaaaaa
POST/GET:sub-auth-id=0&auth-password=password& 3600 IN DS 00000 13 2 000000aaaaaaaaaa0000000000aaaaaaaaaa00000000aaaaaaaaaa

POST/GET:auth-id=0&auth-password=password& 3600 IN DNSKEY 257 3 13 000000aaaaaaaaaa0000000000aaaaaaaaaa00000000aaaaaaaaaa
POST/GET:sub-auth-id=0&auth-password=password& 3600 IN DNSKEY 257 3 13 000000aaaaaaaaaa0000000000aaaaaaaaaa00000000aaaaaaaaaa

Last modified: 2023-05-04
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