Modify contacts


Modifies the contact details of a domain


Name Data Type Status Description
auth-id or sub-auth-id or sub-auth-user Integer Required Authentication parameter
auth-password String Required Authentication parameter
domain-name String Required Name of the domain
tld String Required The TLD the domain name will be registered with (com, net, org, etc)
type String Required Depends on the type you want to change. The types can be obtained with the Get Contacts method
mail String Required Email address
name String Required First and last name of the person
company String Required Name of the company
address String Required  Address of the company/person(street, number, etc)
city String Required  Example: Dallas
state String Required Example: Texas
zip Integer Required ZIP code
country String Required 2 letters country code according to ISO 3166
telnocc Integer Required Phone number calling code. Between 1 and 3 digits.
telno Integer Required Phone number
faxnocc Integer Optional Fax number calling code. Between 1 and 3 digits.
faxno Integer Optional Fax number.

Return: Array with status and status description.


When the authentication of API user is not correct, any API request will fail with the following status and statusDescription:

{"status":"Failed","statusDescription":"Invalid authentication, incorrect auth-id or auth-password."}

If there is not added a domain name or if the requested domain does not exist in your account, the following status will be returned:

{"status":"Failed","statusDescription":"Missing domain-name"}

Note: These are example errors in JSON format, and these are NOT the only errors that can be displayed for this method.


POST/GET: auth-id=0&auth-password=password& Doe&company=Unknown International LTD.&address1=125 North Avenue&city=Dallas&state=Texas&zip=5000&country=US&telno=555555&telnocc=555
POST/GET: sub-auth-id=0&auth-password=password& Doe&company=Unknown International LTD.&address1=125 North Avenue&city=Dallas&state=Texas&zip=5000&country=US&telno=555555&telnocc=555

POST/GET: auth-id=0&auth-password=password& Doe&company=Unknown International LTD.&address1=125 North Avenue&city=Dallas&state=Texas&zip=5000&country=US&telno=555555&telnocc=555
POST/GET: sub-auth-id=0&auth-password=password& Doe&company=Unknown International LTD.&address1=125 North Avenue&city=Dallas&state=Texas&zip=5000&country=US&telno=555555&telnocc=555

Last modified: 2023-05-04
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