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Zone management with OctoDNS

OctoDNS provides a set of tools and patterns that make it easy to manage your DNS records across multiple providers. The resulting config can live in a repository and be deployed just like the rest of your code, maintaining a clear history and using your existing review and workflow.

One of the requirements to use the OctoDNS plugin for ClouDNS is to have access to our HTTP API. All our Premium DNS and DDoS Protected DNS plans include access to the HTTP API and can be used to manage your zones with OctoDNS.

Here are the steps for the installation and configuration of the module:

  1. Install OctoDNS. You can download OctoDNS from here or you can install it using this command

    pip install octodns

  2. Install OctoDNS module for ClouDNS from here or you can install it using this command

    pip install octodns-cloudns

  3. The ClouDNS module has to be moved to the provider folder of OctoDNS. In order to do that, you have to complete these two steps:

    • Find where the downloaded files are with this command:

      pip show octodns | grep Location

    • Open the folder you have received from the first command. There should be two folders one for octodns and one for octodns-cloudns. Copy the file _init_.py from octodns-cloudns and put it in the octodns folder named provider.

  4. Create a configuration file. For example config.yaml

        class: octodns.provider.cloudns.ClouDNSProvider
        auth_id: xxx
        auth_password: xxx
        class: octodns.provider.yaml.YamlProvider
        directory: ./config
        default_ttl: 3600
          - config
          - cloudns_account1

    providers - write all of the settings for the providers.
    zones - write the name of the zone after which you have to add:
    sources - where the information will be received from.
    targets - in which provider will the changes be made

  5. You have to create a file with the records which will be added. In this example, the records will be in the provider config directory - ./config

    • Create a new directory with this command:

      mkdir config

    • Create a file with the name of the zone + .yaml. Example: example.yaml

    • Add the records in the newly created file. Example records:

        - type: A
          value: your-server-ipv4-address
        - type: AAAA
          value: your-server-ipv6-address
        - type: MX
            exchange: mail.your-domain.
            preference: 10
        - type: TXT
          value: v=spf1 -all
        type: TXT
        value: v=DMARC1\; p=reject\; rua=mailto:abuse@your-domain\; aspf=s\; adkim=s\;
        - type: A
          value: your-server-ipv4-address
        - type: AAAA
          value: your-server-ipv6-address
        - type: A
          value: your-server-ipv4-address
        - type: AAAA
          value: your-server-ipv6-address
  6. Apply the configuration with these commands:

    • Apply only a plan without updating the zone:

      octodns-sync --config-file config.yaml

    • Apply all the changes:

      octodns-sync --config-file config.yaml --doit

    • If there are NS records that have to be created for the root domain, --force has to be added to the last command.

At the moment, Geo records are supported only for A and AAAA records in OctoDNS.

The supported record types include: A, AAAA, ALIAS, CAA, CNAME, DNAME, MX, NS, PTR, SPF, SRV, SSHFP, TXT, TLSA, LOC, and NAPTR. These are all the record types supported by both OctoDNS and ClouDNS.

The ClouDNS OctoDNS module does not support dynamic records.

If a record type is provided that is not supported, the module will simply skip it.

Last modified: 2024-02-29
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