Author: Beloslava Petrova

Hi, I'm Bella. I'm a Digital Marketing Specialist at ClouDNS. I have a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Finance from the University of Lille,  which helps me keep up with the latest trends in digital marketing. I'm passionate about creating helpful digital marketing content that educates, captivates, and engages readers. When I'm not creating content or exploring digital trends, I travel, discover new places, and capture beautiful moments in a photograph.

Understanding SYN flood attack

DDoS, Protection

Imagine a tech gremlin relentlessly hammering at the door of a server, bombarding it with so many requests that it can’t keep up and...

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8 DNS tools for testing your servers

DNS • One Comment

You are already a DNS user, and your server or website works great when you visit it from your computer. But that is not enough. You want...

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What are 301 and 302 Redirects and how to use them?

DNS, Web forwarding

In the realm of website management and search engine optimization (SEO), proper redirection plays a crucial role in maintaining the...

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Domain registration. How to choose a domain name?

Domain names

If you want to make a website for your business, the first obstacle that you face, even before the actual creation of the site is the...

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DNS history. When and why was DNS created?


We have talked a lot about DNS. How does it work, and all the related topic around it. But we have never spent some time about the DNS...

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What is Backup DNS?


Backup DNS is an important part of any website or application infrastructure. It is a system of redundant DNS services that provide...

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