Author: Martin Pramatarov

Hi, I’m Martin Pramatarov. I have two degrees, a Technician of Computer Networks and an MBA (Master of Business Administration). My passion is storytelling, but I can’t hide my nerdish side too. I never forgot my interest in the Hi-tech world. I have 10 years and thousands of articles written about DNS, cloud services, hosting, domain names, cryptocurrencies, hardware, software, AI, and everything in between. I have seen the Digital revolution, the Big migration to the cloud, and I am eager to write about all the exciting new tech trends in the following years. AI and Big Data are here already, and they will completely change the world!

I hope you enjoy my articles and the excellent services of ClouDNS!

What is Traffic Director?

Load balancing • One Comment

Do you want to give your users the best possible performance? The Traffic Director can help you to do that! With it, you can direct DNS...

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What is a Smurf DDoS attack?


Yes, the Smurf attack sounds cute and harmless, but we can assure you it is not. Instead, it is yet another DDoS attack that is made to...

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What is Authoritative DNS server?


The authoritative DNS server is the final holder of the IP of the domain you are looking for. When you write a domain name in your browser,...

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IPv4 vs IPv6 and where did IPv5 go?


Every time you see some network settings, there are IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. As you can guess, the previous versions are long in the past...

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DMARC, the solution for your phishing problems


DMARC emerges as the solution for phishing attacks that are a real danger for every business. They can severely damage the brand name, and...

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Linux Host command, troubleshot your DNS


Today we will add one more handy DNS tool – Host command on Linux. For the purpose, we will use the latest Linux Mint 19.1 (based on...

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Linux dig command, how to install it and use it


This article will show you how to use the dig command on Linux. You can apply the knowledge to Windows or MacOS.

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