Author: Martin Pramatarov

Hi, I’m Martin Pramatarov. I have two degrees, a Technician of Computer Networks and an MBA (Master of Business Administration). My passion is storytelling, but I can’t hide my nerdish side too. I never forgot my interest in the Hi-tech world. I have 10 years and thousands of articles written about DNS, cloud services, hosting, domain names, cryptocurrencies, hardware, software, AI, and everything in between. I have seen the Digital revolution, the Big migration to the cloud, and I am eager to write about all the exciting new tech trends in the following years. AI and Big Data are here already, and they will completely change the world!

I hope you enjoy my articles and the excellent services of ClouDNS!

What is Authoritative DNS server?


The authoritative DNS server is the final holder of the IP of the domain you are looking for. When you write a domain name in your browser,...

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How to create your own CDN using DNS

DNS, Load balancing

A CDN – Content Delivery Network is responsible for the content delivery. We all interact with CDNs on a daily basis – when we...

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Types of DNS records – What are they and what is their purpose?

DNS Records

Do you know what types of DNS records are out there? If you don’t know them all, don’t worry, we will explain them all in brief. By...

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Linux dig command, how to install it and use it


This article will show you how to use the dig command on Linux. You can apply the knowledge to Windows or MacOS. ...

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What is CDN (Content Delivery Network)?


Everybody uses CDN (Content Delivery Network). YouTube, Amazon, Netflix and many others are applying it on a massive world scale so you can...

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What is IPv4? Everything you need to know 

DNS, Internet, Servers

Nowadays, in this rapidly evolving global Internet world, we can’t skip the IPv4. It is the most used IP currently and still resists...

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