Anycast DNS是一种强大的网络路由技术,它可以提高网站的性能和可用性。它保证访问者连接到最近的DNS服务器,从而加快响应时间并提高网站可用性。
Anycast DNS是一个简单的概念——您可以通过许多不同的道路到达一个目的地。Anycast DNS不是让所有流量都通过一条路由,而是利用多个位置来接收对网络的查询,但是在不同的地理位置。这里的目标是让网络为用户找到到一个特定DNS服务器的最短路径。
从纯粹的技术角度来看,该定义指出“Anycast DNS是一种网络寻址和路由方法,其中来自一个单个发送者的数据报文被路由到一组潜在接收者中拓扑上最近的节点。”
DDoS Protected M $11.95/月 |
DDoS Protected S $5.95/月 |
Premium M $4.95/月 |
Premium S $2.95/月 |
AnycastDNS: | ||||
? DNS域: | 50 | 5 | 50 | 5 |
? DNS记录: | 2,000 | 200 | 2,000 | 200 |
? 每月的DNS查询: | 200M ? | 5M ? | 200M ? | 5M ? |
? DDoS防御: | - | - | ||
更多细节 | 更多细节 | 更多细节 | 更多细节 | |
Anycast DNS works like this: imagine you have several identical stores in different neighbourhoods. When someone asks for directions to your store, they're directed to the nearest one. Anycast DNS does the same thing with internet traffic: it directs users to the closest server that has the same information about your website. It makes websites load faster because users connect to servers that are physically closer to them, reducing the time it takes for information to travel back and forth. It also helps ensure websites stay online even if some servers have issues because there are backups ready to take over. Overall, Anycast DNS improves speed, reliability, and efficiency for websites and online services.
Routes queries to the nearest server, reducing latency and speeding up response times.
Provides redundancy by automatically redirecting queries to available servers if one fails, ensuring high availability.
Distributes traffic across multiple servers, making it harder for attackers to overwhelm the network and improving resilience against DDoS attacks.
Anycast DNS和Unicast DNS是两种不同的DNS解析方法,具有不同的特点。单播协议是过去遗留下来的,它不能充分满足客户的需求。它缺乏在全球范围内缓解DDoS攻击的能力,或在不同国家地区的DNS低延迟,或者在多个位置进行适当的负载平衡。Anycast DNS是您同时获得快速可靠DNS的门票!
ClouDNS在我们的高级DNS和DDoS防护DNS套餐中提供了Anycast DNS服务。我们最大限度地提高速度,最大限度地减少停机时间,并为我们的每个全球地点的客户提供尽可能高的SLA。因此,我们的客户在我们的网络上拥有完全的冗余和可靠性,并减少了通过每个大洲时的延迟。
功能 | Unicast DNS | AnycastDNS |
服务器架构 | 单个服务器 | 多台服务器 |
路由 | 特定IP | 最近的服务器 |
响应时间 | 变量 | 更快 |
可利用性 | 易受服务器故障影响 | 高的 |
可扩展性 | 可扩展性有限 | 高度可扩展 |
安全 | 没有内置DDoS防护 | DDoS防御 |
非常适合 | 小型网站或本地网络 | 全球网站 |
现在我们已经介绍了基本知识,并给出了Anycast DNS的核心定义,请允许我们详细介绍。这些是您在使用ClouDNS Anycast网络时获得的一些不可否认的优势:
ClouDNS利用我们广泛的Anycast网络上的67 入网点 - 可用于每个域。这对响应时间有直接的积极影响,因为查询是基于地理来源和服务器负载均匀分布的。
忘记停机时间和性能问题 - 我们的Anycast网络具有多个地理位置分散的服务器,当有问题影响性能时,可以重新路由来自任何入网点的流量。我们的目标是尽可能提供最高的SLA。
我们的Anycast网络是一个完整的双栈网络 - 在我们的每个入网点上都有IPv4和IPv6。
不管在哪一天,无论什么时候,你都得到全天候的支持而不休息一天。 ClouDNS提供持续,不间断的网络监控和支持。 我们的技术支持团队通过实时聊天和工单为您提供24/7在线服务。您可以免费迁移您的区域,在这里了解更多.
ClouDNS Anycast DNS服务提供了更多令人难以置信的功能和一处,其包括:
DDoS Protected M $11.95/月 |
DDoS Protected S $5.95/月 |
Premium M $4.95/月 |
Premium S $2.95/月 |
AnycastDNS: | ||||
? DNS域: | 50 | 5 | 50 | 5 |
? DNS记录: | 2,000 | 200 | 2,000 | 200 |
? 每月的DNS查询: | 200M ? | 5M ? | 200M ? | 5M ? |
? DDoS防御: | - | - | ||
更多细节 | 更多细节 | 更多细节 | 更多细节 | |
Anycast DNS benefits a wide range of users, from large companies ensuring their services are reliable globally to small businesses looking for better online performance. For instance, big companies can ensure customers everywhere get fast and reliable access to their websites and apps. Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) use Anycast DNS to speed up video streaming and other content delivery, which means a smoother experience for viewers. Overall, Anycast DNS makes online services more reliable and faster for everyone, no matter how big or small their needs are.
"Working with the team at ClouDNS has been very supportive. My experience has been excellent. The team is attentive, knowledgeable and skilled when it comes to Cloud DNS, and I can recommend their professionalism."
J. May
Marketing Chief @ Amaze Communication