GeoDNS Start
Most popular
GeoDNS Professional $44.95/bulan |
GeoDNS Business $79.95/bulan |
Enterprise | |
? Zona DNS: | 1 | 5 | 10 | Tak terbatas |
? Record DNS: | 1,000 | 5,000 | 10,000 | Tak terbatas |
? Kueri DNS per bulan: | i 100M | i 500M | i 1B | Tak terbatas |
? Pemeriksaan DNS Failover & Pemantauan: | 1 | 1 | 1 | Tak terbatas |
Mulai Uji Coba Gratis 30 hari | Beli Sekarang | Beli Sekarang | Dapatkan penawaran |
GeoDNS (Geographical Domain Name System) is a traffic distribution process based on the requests’ location. It is also called traffic director or global traffic director. Using GeoDNS service, you can efficiently optimize traffic to domains through the use of geographical-based routing.
Once you start using GeoDNS service by ClouDNS, your visitor’s requests will go through our DNS servers (you can use all the available name servers associated with your account). Each of them is using our Anycast DNS network, close to your customers who makes the DNS queries. Based on the visitor location the name servers respond with the IP address you have configured for them. The result: you will direct your traffic to servers located in the continent where the visitors are sending the query from, just by setting up a few DNS records through the ClouDNS Control Panel.
Briefly explained: The GeoDNS service redirects the traffic to the predetermined IP address, which is usually the closest to the request’s origin. It is commonly used by international businesses.
Kami menyediakan salah satu layanan GeoDNS paling tepat biaya di pasar dengan jumlah optimal zona, record, dan kueri per bulan. Meskipun kami membatasi kueri per bulan, kami tidak akan mengenakan tagihan tambahan pada Anda atau menangguhkan DNS Anda, jika terjadi peak dalam satu atau dua bulan. Jika kueri terus melampaui batas, kami akan menghubungi Anda untuk membahas upgrade akun Anda. GeoDNS kami mengelola semua aspek DNS Anda tanpa perlu membeli hardware, menginstal software, atau mempekerjakan tambahan personel Tl.
Dengan layanan GeoDNS kami, Anda bisa menarget kawasan Amerika Serikat atau Kanada, seluruh negara, atau benua. Dengan menggunakan GeoDNS kami, Anda bisa membangun Load Balancing Geolokasi atau Content Delivery Network (CDN) yang sangat akurat. Segmenkan trafik Anda dan kirim pengguna ke server yang dikhususkan hanya untuk mereka.
Bangun CDN atau Load Balancing Geolokasi Anda sendiri dengan layanan geolokasi yang sangat akurat yang membuat keputusan berdasarkan lokasi nyata pengunjung, bukan lokasi resolver DNS yang digunakan. Layanan GeoDNS kami telah teruji dan benar-benar kompatibel dengan layanan seperti OpenDNS dan Google Public DNS.
Serangan DDoS terus meningkat frekuensi dan keparahannya. Perlindungan DDoS merupakan fitur yang wajib dimiliki saat kita membahas DNS. Kami menyediakan DNS yang terlindungi dari DDoS maupun GeoDNS dalam satu layanan terpadu.
Salah satu sinyal pemeringkat semua mesin pencari adalah kecepatan muat halaman. Karena lookup DNS dirutekan ke lokasi terdekat yang tersedia berkat Anycast Network kami, waktu memuat untuk pengunjung Anda sangat berkurang drastis. Makin cepat situs Anda, makin tinggi peringkatnya.
Jaringan GeoDNS kami ditempatkan begitu strategis di dekat lokasi geografi dengan trafik web yang tinggi. Kami selalu memantau dan mengekspansi jaringan kami saat pertumbuhan trafik meningkat dari kawasan tertentu. Dengan 67 Pusat Data Anycast DNS di 6 benua, kueri pengguna Anda akan cepat diresolusi sedekat mungkin dengan lokasi mereka.
Butuh solusi GeoDNS spesifik untuk bisnis Anda? Ingin atur opsi Geo targeting individual? Tidak masalah! Kirimi kami email di, kami akan sangat gembira membantu Anda.
Apa pun harinya, kapan pun waktunya, kami menyediakan pemantauan dan dukungan jaringan tanpa henti dan tanpa interupsi. Tim Dukungan Teknis kami online 24/7 lewat obrolan langsung dan tiket. Kami bisa migrasikan zona Anda, gratis, baca selengkapnya di sini.
Most popular
GeoDNS Start$9.95/bulan |
GeoDNS Professional $44.95/bulan |
GeoDNS Business $79.95/bulan |
Enterprise | |
? Anycast DNS | ||||
? Zona DNS: | 1 | 5 | 10 | Tak terbatas |
? Record DNS: | 1,000 | 5,000 | 10,000 | Tak terbatas |
? Kueri DNS per bulan: | i 100M | i 500M | i 1B | Tak terbatas |
? Forwarding email: | 3 | 15 | 30 | Tak terbatas |
? Pemeriksaan DNS Failover & Pemantauan: | 1 | 1 | 1 | Tak terbatas |
? DNS backups: | $2.00/bulan | $4.50/bulan | $8.00/bulan | from $10.00/month |
? Dedicated IP addresses: | $25.00/bulan | $25.00/bulan | $25.00/bulan | $25.00/bulan |
? Arah DNS berdasarkan geolokasi: | ||||
? Dukungan EDNS: | ||||
? Proteksi DDoS: | ||||
? DNSSEC: | ||||
? Pengaturan domain SOA: | ||||
? Statistik DNS: | ||||
? Dynamic DNS hostnames: | Tak terbatas | Tak terbatas | Tak terbatas | Tak terbatas |
? Free SSL: | ||||
+ Basic Features | ||||
? Parkir domain: | ||||
? DNS round robin: | ||||
? Main DNS records: | ||||
? IDN support: | ||||
Dukungan obrolan Langsung 24/7.: | ||||
+ Fitur lebih banyak | ||||
? Transfer zona: | ||||
? Advanced DNS records: | ||||
? Zona Cloud/Bulk: | ||||
? Pengelolaan TTL per record: | ||||
? Branding DNS: | ||||
? Dynamic DNS history: | ||||
? Redirecting web: | ||||
? Migrasi zona gratis: | ||||
? Akses API HTTP: | ||||
? SAML SSO integration: | ||||
? Uptime SLA: | 10000% | 10000% | 10000% | 10000% |
Dapatkan penawaran |
GeoDNS service can be beneficial for a variety of organizations and businesses that operate on a global or multi-location scale. Here are some examples of entities that can benefit the most from implementing GeoDNS:
CDNs can leverage GeoDNS to direct users to the nearest server, reducing latency and improving the speed of content delivery. This helps high-traffic websites deliver media-rich content, images, and videos faster to end-users.
Companies providing online services, such as streaming platforms, VoIP service providers, social media networks, and collaboration tools, can use GeoDNS to enhance the performance and responsiveness of their services for users around the world.
E-commerce sites can use GeoDNS to direct users to the nearest server, improving website load times and minimizing latency. That way, it can enhance the overall user experience and potentially increase sales.
GeoDNS is valuable for online gaming platforms to reduce latency by directing players to servers located closest to their geographic location, making the gaming experience incredible. It boosts the overall responsiveness of the gaming environment.