

When you activate DNSSEC, we'll generate a public-private key pair for your zone. The public key, provided as DS or DNSKEY records, should be configured with your domain provider. Our network will use the private key to sign your records during zone deployment. The end-user resolver checks these signatures against the public keys to authenticate record integrity during transfer.

DNSSEC aims to enhance user safety by verifying digital signatures after a user enters a domain name. Information can only reach the user's device when digital signatures match between the data and the Primary DNS server, ensuring connection to a legitimate website. It utilizes digital signatures and public keys to validate information, adding new records to existing DNS entries like A, CNAME, and MX. DNSKEY and RRSIG digitally sign DNS data using public-key cryptography. Each DNS zone's name server holds public and private keys. When a user queries, the server provides information signed with its private key, which the recipient opens with the public key. If information is modified, it won't open correctly, triggering an error message.


DNSSEC管理服务是我们DNS托管套餐(Premium DNS, DDoS Protected DNS, and GeoDNS)的一部分,您不需要为了更好的安全性而产生额外的成本!

Premium S
Premium M
Premium L
? 使用DNSSEC的托管Anycast DNS:
? DNS域: 5 50 400
? DNS记录: 200 2,000 20,000
? 每月的DNS查询: i 5M i 200M 无限
? 邮件转发: 10 100 1,000
? DNS故障转移检查: 1 2 3
Premium S
  • +4Anycast DNS服务器
  • 5 DNS域
  • 200 DNS记录
  • 5M 每月的DNS查询
  • 1 DNS故障转移确认
  • 10 邮件转发
  • 扩展功能
DDoS Protected S
  • +4Anycast DNS服务器
  • 针对DNS的DDoS防御
  • 5 DNS域
  • 200 DNS记录
  • 5M 每月的DNS查询
  • 1 DNS故障转移确认
  • 10 邮件转发
  • 扩展功能
GeoDNS Start
  • 4Anycast DNS服务器
  • 针对DNS的DDoS防御
  • DNS地理定位
  • 1 DNS域
  • 1,000 DNS记录
  • 100M 每月的DNS查询
  • 1 DNS故障转移确认
  • 3 邮件转发
  • 扩展功能





我们对所有签名使用椭圆曲线算法(ECDSA P-256),该算法比标准RSA密钥更强、更小。


保持DNS答案尽可能小意味着更快的速度!此外,我们的Anycast DNS网络可以从距离解析器最近的位置提供更快速的响应。


无论哪一天,无论何时,我们都能提供连续不间断的网络监控和支持。 我们的技术支持团队通过实时聊天和工单为您提供24/7在线服务。您可以免费迁移您的区域,在这里了解更多.


To activate DNSSEC signing and obtain the domain DS records and DNSKEY records, you need to process the following steps:

  1. Log into your ClouDNS control panel.
  2. Navigate to the zone you wish to configure.
  3. Locate the "DNSSEC" menu at the top of the zone's control panel and click on it.
  4. From here, choose to either activate or deactivate DNSSEC zone signing.

Optional: For additional details and guidance about DNSSEC implementation, refer to the ClouDNS DNSSEC wiki page.


When you want to connect to a particular website, your browser should get the corresponding IP address. Unfortunately, there is a chance an attacker to intercept your DNS queries and place fake information. As a result, your browser will connect to a forged website where you could potentially enter personal information, like bank details.

Thanks to DNSSEC, there is an additional level of security, and your browser is able to check if the DNS data is actually correct and not changed. In addition, DNSSEC is used not only for the web but also by any other Internet service or protocol, for instance, SMTP and Voice-over- IP (VoIP).




  • How to start using DNSSEC? - To get started, select a plan that best suits your needs and click on the orange button below the chosen plan.
  • What does DNSSEC protect against? - DNSSEC protects against forged DNS data, like that from DNS cache poisoning. It ensures resolvers receive authentic responses, mitigating the risk of accepting incorrect data. By verifying DNS responses, it prevents potential impacts on individual users or entire networks caused by malicious responses.
  • What types of DNS records does DNSSEC use? - DNSSEC uses DNSKEY, RRSIG, NSEC, and DS records. DNSKEY stores public keys, RRSIG contains digital signatures, NSEC provides denial of existence proof, and DS establishes trust chains.
  • Still have questions about DNSSEC? - 您可以通过我们的24/7 实时聊天支持联系我们,或者如果愿意,您可以通过 support@cloudns.net给我们发送消息。

DNSSEC is available in all of our Premium DNS, DDoS Protected DNS and GeoDNS plans!



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